Technical, Intentional and Flagrant Fouls (Recreation) Date:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Person Submitting Report:(Required) First Last Email Address:(Required) Phone:(Required)Level (please chose the level of competition):(Required)Middle School (Junior High)Freshmen (High School)Junior Varsity (High School)Varsity (High School)RecreationCYO Grade School GirlsCYO Grade School BoysCYO High School GirlsCYO High School BoysQuarter/Approximate time in game when it happened:(Required)Type(Required)Administrative TechnicalSubstitute TechnicalPlayer TechnicalBench TechnicalAssistant Coach TechnicalHead Coach TechnicalFlagrant TechnicalFlagrant PersonalIntentional PersonalCharged to:(Required)TeamSubstitutePlayerBench PersonnelAssistant CoachHead CoachRule Reference(Required)NumberTeam:(Required)How was the Foul adjudicated and administered:(Required)List any other pertinent details related to the foul that should be known:(Required)